
New Skill: Budgeting Tips You Should Develop in Your 20s

Every budgeting guide out there emphasizes the importance of managing money as soon as possible, especially for people in their early adulthood. 


Developing skill in the 20s requires a person to be very responsible, especially when it comes to skills that are regarding finances.


There are hundreds of budgeting tips available online. Nevertheless, we’ve created a list of the most important ones that will help you develop this important skill.

Track and Record Your Expenses

Tracking and recording your expenses is one of the budgeting tips almost every budgeting guide will mention. The reason is that if you know where you’re spending money and how much, you’ll easily be able to spot unnecessary spending almost instantly.


Once you find where you’re spending more money than you should, you’ll be able to eliminate, or at least reduce, some of the expenses, leaving you with more money for saving or other important things.


There are tons of phone apps you can use to track your expenses. Or you can use a simple, free tool such as Google sheets to enter every expense you make.

Cut Off Unnecessary Expenses

After implementing the first of many budgeting tips we’ll cover, you’ll quickly find some unnecessary expenses. Once you start noticing them, you’ll realize that even the most affordable things sum up to a significant amount after some time. 


Spending $3 a day for a cup of coffee at Starbucks doesn’t seem like a huge expense. But when you sum it up, it will end up being around $1000 just in one year. And that’s just for one cup of coffee a day.


We all spend more money than we need to, some more, some less, but we’re all guilty when it comes to unnecessary spending. Instead of going to a restaurant and paying $150 or more for a meal, you should try having a nice home-cooked meal. 


The money you’ll end up saving annually can amount to thousands of dollars.

Always Look For Discounts or Sale Items

When it comes to budgeting, it’s important to develop skills in your 20s because you’ll get used to saving up when you need it the most. One of the greatest budgeting tips you’ll find is to try and buy things that are discounted or on sale.


Unfortunately, this won’t be applicable every time you need to buy something. But when it comes to clothes, electronics, and appliances, you’ll always be able to find a specific product on sale or with a certain discount. By doing so, you’ll end up spending much less on products you need and saving up for the things you want.


Food, on the other hand, is usually not discounted, especially fresh meat and produce. Checking out a few stores might help you find the best prices. But you shouldn’t expect massive discounts on fresh food. Every budgeting guide will mention the importance of finding certain products on sale.

Create a Reasonable Budget

One of the best budgeting tips includes creating a monthly budget. The important thing about this is that it needs to be reasonable and under your income limit. By being aware of how much you have and how much you need to set aside for rent, utilities, and other expenses, you’ll be able to allocate the rest of the money you have for other requirements and entertainment.


By sticking to the budget, you’ll always know how much you have and how long it will take you to save up for a specific thing. It’s easy to lose track of how much money you have left if you don’t track your expenses and spend money on things you cannot afford. That’s why every budgeting guide needs to have miscellaneous expenses included. The money you don’t spend can be either transferred for miscellaneous expenses the next month or to savings.

Allocate Amount for Your Savings

One of the most responsible things you can do is start saving as soon as you get your first job. To develop saving skills in your 20s, you will need a lot of self-discipline. But to start saving when all your friends are partying and having fun is a sign of maturity and responsibility.


No matter how much you make per month, it’s important to allocate a certain amount of income for savings. It can be a few percent of your monthly wage, but to really make a difference, you’ll need to save up at least 10% of your monthly income. Many budgeting tips circle around these numbers. Some of the most famous authors, such as Dale Carnegie, mention mandatory savings after every paycheck.

Pay Debts and Secure Insurance

One thing that every budgeting guide should include but is mostly ignored is paying off debts. And when we say debts, we mean all debt, from student loans to every other thing you bought on credit.


At times, it can get tempting to buy something. But before you do, just think about how much you’re already allocating from your monthly income to pay off the debts you have. The less debt you have, the easier it will be to allocate funds to other important things such as retirement or even college funds.


Insurance is also one of the important things you’ll probably miss in a budgeting guide. But it’s as important as any other aspect of budgeting. Insurance is a cost-effective way to make sure your family won’t be left with a mountain of debt if anything happens to you. 

Focus on Long Term Goals

Short-term goals are quickly achievable, and you see the results of your budgeting efforts faster. But when it comes to budgeting tips, it’s really important to have your long-term goals straight as well. Once you know what you’re striving for, you’ll find it much easier to give up on certain things to achieve a higher goal.


These long-term goals could be anything, buying a new car, house or investing in something you’re passionate about. Saving up for your kid’s college tuition is also one of the most common long-term goals people have. 


Knowing that your sacrifice paid off after a few months or years is a great feeling. You’ll be happy that you achieved something you set as a goal so long ago.


Focusing on long-term goals shouldn’t be your top priority if you want to develop a skill in your 20s, especially if it’s managing your finances and learning how to budget properly. You should start with short-term goals and reward yourself every once in a while.

Look For money-generating Investments

If you want to develop a skill in your 20s related to money and finances, part of these skills shouldn’t be just on how to save money. It’s also about how to make money work for you.


Once you save up a certain amount of money, it’s a good idea to start looking for opportunities to invest a part of your savings into something that will earn interest over the course of a few months or years.


Before investing any money, you should be aware that each investment has a certain amount of risk involved. So choosing the safest type of investment will be best. 


Keeping a certain amount of liquid assets you can use is a great way to be ready to grab any opportunity of a money-generating investment is not something you’ll find amongst the common budgeting tips. 


A budgeting guide usually doesn’t include ways to make your savings work for you. But, it’s definitely something you should take into consideration given the fact that modern technology has given us the opportunity to connect with people and businesses around the world more easily than ever.

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Older People Still Have Sex, But It’s The Intimacy and Affection That Matters More

Sexuality encompasses sex, gender identities and roles, sexual orientation, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy and reproduction and what we think, feel and believe about them. It has been a research focus for over a hundred years, and highlighted as an important part of the human experience. Since the first studies on human sexuality in the 1940s, research has consistently demonstrated that sexual interest and activity are sustained well into old age. However, only a fraction of the research has explored sexuality in the later years of life.

Most of the early research on sexuality and ageing looked at the sexual behaviours and biology of older adults, generally ignoring the wider concept of sexuality. When researchers did discuss sexuality more broadly, many referred to sexuality as the domain of the young, and emphasised this was a major barrier to the study of sexuality in older adults.

Sexuality in later life ignored

Towards the end of the 20th century, research expanded to include attitudes towards sexual expression in older adults, and the biological aspects of sexuality and ageing. Consistently, the research showed sexual expression is possible for older adults, and sustained sexual activity into old age is more likely for those who had active sex lives earlier in life.

By the late 1980s, there was a strong focus on the biological aspects of ageing. This expanded to include the reasons behind sexual decline. The research found these were highly varied and many older adults remain sexually active well into later life.

But despite evidence adults continue to desire and pursue sexual expression well into later life, both society in general and many health professionals have inadvertently helped perpetuate the myth of the asexual older person. This can happen through an unintentional lack of recognition, or an avoidance of a topic that makes some people uncomfortable.

Why does this matter?

These ageist attitudes can have an impact on older adults not only in their personal lives, but also in relation to their health needs. Examples include the failure of medical personnel to test for sexually transmissible infections in older populations, or the refusal of patients to take prescribed medications because of adverse impacts on erection rigidity. We need more health practitioners to be conscious of and incorporate later life sexuality into the regular health care of older adults. We still have a long way to go.

By ignoring the importance of sexuality for many older adults, we fail to acknowledge the role that sexuality plays in many people’s relationships, health, well-being and quality of life. Failure to address sexual issues with older patients may lead to or exacerbate marital problems and result in the withdrawal of one or both partners from other forms of intimacy. Failure to discuss sexual health needs with patients can also lead to incorrect medical diagnoses, such as the misdiagnosis of dementia in an older patient with HIV.

What is the importance of sexuality? Find out in this article.

It’s not about ‘the deed’ itself

In a recent survey examining sexuality in older people, adults aged between 51 and 89 were asked a series of open-ended questions about sexuality, intimacy and desire, and changes to their experiences in mid-life and later life. This information was then used to create a series of statements that participants were asked to group together in ways they felt made sense, and to rank the importance of each statement.

The most important themes that emerged from the research encompassed things such as partner compatibility, intimacy and pleasure, and factors that influence the experience of desire or the way people express themselves sexually. Although people still considered sexual expression and sexual urges to be important, they were not the focus for many people over 45.

Affectionate and intimate behaviours, trust, respect and compatibility were more important aspects of sexuality than intercourse for most people. Overall, the message was one about the quality of the experience and the desire for connection with a partner, and not about the frequency of sexual activities.

People did discuss barriers to sexual expression and intimacy such as illness, mood or lack of opportunity or a suitable partner, but many felt these were not something they focused on in their own lives. This is in line with the data that shows participants place a greater importance on intimacy and affectionate behaviours such as touching, hugging and kissing, rather than intercourse.

These results help us challenge the existing stereotype of the “asexual older person” and the idea intercourse is necessary to be considered sexually active. They also make it clear researchers and health practitioners need to focus on a greater variety of ways we can improve the experience and expressions of sexuality and intimacy for adults from mid-life onwards beyond medical interventions (like Viagra) that focus on prolonging or enhancing intercourse.

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12 Life Hacks From Simpler Times That Our Grandparents Swore By

These days, there are so many expensive gadgets and products that claim to give you the best, fastest, and easiest results.

But sometimes, the real answer lies in the past, not the future.

Grandma and Grandpa lived their lives with their own versions of life hacks. While they didn’t have the internet to turn to when they had a pressing question, they had their instincts and wits about them to use instead. The cool part is that so many of their life hacks are still applicable to tasks that we do today.

The past 100 years have had so many advances in technology, but sometimes it’s best to stick to what Grandma and Grandpa knew worked the best.

These 12 hacks are definitely about to make things a whole lot easier for me.

1. Water Plants With Yarn

While you’re away, set up a tall bucket of water next to your plants and place threads of yarn from the bucket to the plants. This way, your plants will get the water they need for a few days without having to overwater them before you leave. This is how the grandparents did it before all of those fancy, expensive irrigation systems you can get online, and this works just as well for much less.

2. Store Eggs For Six Months

Layer a cooler with rock salt, then coat the eggs in shortening or other grease, and bury them in the salt. Create as many layers as needed and store in a cool, dry place like a basement. This was crucial when modern refrigeration wasn’t a thing, and when folks were trying to store the massive amounts of perfectly good eggs their own hens hatched.

3. Use Bacon To Remove Splinters

Before you go to bed, put a small piece of uncooked bacon fat on a deep splinter and keep it in place with a Band-Aid. In the morning, it will have risen to the surface, or even transferred to the fat. No need for fancy solvents or ointments when your grandma’s there to hand you a piece of bacon fat.

4. Slice Bread With A Hot Knife

Before sliced bread was invented, cutting whole loaves into thin slices was a chore… unless you dipped your serrated knife into a pot of boiling water, dried it off, and sliced away.

5. Cut Dish Sponges In Half

Not only will you get a longer life from your sponge, but it will also dry faster, leaving less of an opportunity for mold to grow. And it will take up less space on your counter. Folks who lived through the Great Depression understood the need for money-saving ideas.

6. Use Toothpaste To Clean Silver

When you pull out your favorite silver necklace for the first time in a while and realize it’s tarnished, rub it with toothpaste, rinse, and dry. It should be good as new in a pinch! Grandparents used the same trick when they realized last-minute that their good silver was tarnished before a dinner party.

7. Turn Old Socks Into New Rags

All those socks that have lost their partners? This age-old solution gives them a whole new life. Before you throw them away, use them as rags to dust your home instead of spending more on towels.

8. Freeze Orange Peels To Keep The Disposal Fresh

Freeze orange peels, or peels from any other citrus fruit, and toss them down the disposal when it starts to smell. The hard consistency will knock away debris, and the fresh scent will leave it nice and fresh! Disposals have been around since 1929, with people trying this hack for nearly a century.

9. Cool Wine With A Tea Towel

If you’ve run out of ice at a party and need to serve a chilled bottle of wine, wrap it in a tea towel and run it under cold water for a few minutes. That will do the trick, just as it did the trick before automatic ice-makers were a staple in household refrigerators.

10. Revive Wilting Flowers With Boiling Water

When your flowers start to wilt, boil a saucepan of water. Cut the base of the stems at a 45 degree angle and slit them up the middle. Dip them in the cooling water for about 30 seconds and return them back to a fresh vase of room temperature water. Within a few hours they’ll be perked up, and Grandma will be proud that you got the most bang for your buck from that fancy bouquet.

11. Remove Salt Stains With Lemon


All the salt in the winter can do a number on your boots. Cut a lemon in half and press it to the stain while squeezing just a bit. Wipe down with a damp cloth and repeat a few times until the stain is gone.

12. Put Non-Dryer Safe Clothes Into The Dryer

But only for five minutes before you hang them to dry. This way, they won’t be wrinkled and you won’t have to iron them.

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Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

No matter how much you love your grandkids, raising them comes with many challenges as well as rewards. These guidelines can help you succeed at parenting the second time around.

The challenges of grandparents raising grandchildren

As grandparents, we usually have the benefit of interacting with our grandkids on a level that is once removed from the day-to-day responsibilities of parents. For many of us, grandparenting means a weekend together every now and then, an afternoon play date, an evening babysitting, a summer vacation, or chats on the phone and email exchanges here and there. But when life circumstances change—through divorce, the death of parents, or changes to a parent’s work or school-related responsibilities, for example—it often falls to grandparents to assume full- or part-time responsibility for their grandchildren.

Also known as “kinship care,” a growing number of grandparents are now taking on the parenting role for their grandchildren, thus foregoing the traditional grandparent/grandchild relationship. This often means giving up your leisure time, the option of traveling, and many other aspects of your independence. Instead, you once again take on responsibility for the day-to-day maintenance of a home, schedules, meals, homework, and play dates. And if it was tragic circumstances that required you to step into the role of a parent, you’ll face many other stress factors, such as coping with your own and your grandchildren’s grief.

But raising your grandchildren, while challenging, can also be incredibly rewarding. Yes, you may have to deal with colicky babies or moody teenagers, but you’ll also experience a much greater connection to your grandchild’s world, including their school and leisure activities. You may also find yourself rolling back the years, rejuvenated by the constant companionship of much younger people. And you can derive immense satisfaction from providing your grandchildren with a safe, nurturing, and structured home environment in which to grow and feel loved.

Exploring your rights as a grandparent

Some circumstances make it necessary for grandparents to seek legal help. If there’s been a divorce, death of one parent, estrangement, or the suspicion that your grandchildren are undergoing neglect or abuse, you may need to consult a lawyer or advocacy group to clarify your legal rights and ensure access to your grandchildren.

Grandparents raising grandchildren tip 1: Acknowledge your feelings

The prospect of raising grandchildren is bound to trigger a range of emotions. Positive emotions, like the love you feel for your grandchildren, the joy in seeing them learn and grow, and relief at giving them a stable environment, are easy to acknowledge. It’s more difficult to admit to feelings such as resentment, guilt, or fear.

It’s important to acknowledge and accept what you’re feeling, both positive and negative. Don’t beat yourself up over your doubts and misgivings. It’s only natural to feel some ambivalence about childrearing at a time when you expected your responsibilities to be dwindling. These feelings don’t mean that you don’t love your grandchildren.

What you may feel

Stress and worry – If you’ve been used to the occasional visit from a grandchild, being back in the saddle full time can feel stressful and overwhelming. You may worry about how you will handle the additional responsibilities and what will happen to the grandkids if something happens to you.

Anger or resentment – You may feel anger or resentment toward the grandchild’s parents for leaving you with the responsibility of caring for their child. Or you might be resentful of other friends who are enjoying the retirement you once envisioned.

Guilt – You may feel guilty and responsible for your child’s failures as a parent, second-guessing and regretting your own mistakes when you were first parenting.

Grief – There are many losses that come with taking in your grandkids, including the loss of your independence and the easier role of “grandparent,” rather than the primary caregiver. You may also be grieving for your child and the difficulties that have led to this situation.

When you start to feel overwhelmed…
Remember that while you may not have the energy you did when you were younger, you do have the wisdom that only comes with experience—an advantage that can make a huge difference in your grandchild’s life. Unlike first-time parents, you’ve done this before and learned from your mistakes. Don’t underestimate what you have to offer!

Tip 2: Take care of yourself

You probably weren’t expecting to be raising kids again at this stage in your life. At times, the physical, emotional, and financial demands may feel overwhelming. That’s why it’s vitally important that you take care of yourself and get the support you need.

When you’re preoccupied with the daily demands of raising grandkids, it’s easy to let your own needs fall by the wayside. But taking care of yourself is a necessity, not a luxury. You can’t be a good caretaker when you’re overwhelmed, exhausted, and emotionally depleted. In order to keep up with your grandkids, you need to be calm, centered, and focused. Looking after your own mental and physical health is how you get there.

A healthy you means healthy grandchildren. If you don’t take care of your health, you won’t be able to take care of your grandchildren, either. Make it a priority to eat nutritious meals, exercise regularly, and get adequate sleep. Don’t let doctor’s appointments or medication refills slide.

Hobbies and relaxation are not luxuries. Carving out time for rest and relaxation is essential to avoid burnout and depression. Use your “me time” to really nurture yourself. Rather than zoning out in front of the TV (which won’t revive you), choose activities that trigger the relaxation response, such as deep breathing, yoga, or meditation.

It’s okay to lean on your grandkids for help. Kids are smarter and more capable than we often give them credit for. Even young children can pick up after themselves and help out around the house. Helping out will also make your grandkids feel good.

Support makes all the difference

Studies show that grandparents who cope well with the added stress of raising grandchildren are those who seek out others for support.

Find someone you can talk to about what you’re going through. This will give you a chance to work through your feelings and reach an acceptance of the situation. If you deny or ignore these feelings, they will come out in other ways and may affect your relationship with your grandkids.

Look for support groups for grandparents raising grandchildren. Support groups or even phone support can be very helpful in this journey, and it’s a good start for making friends in similar situations. Hearing from people who have been there can help both uplift your spirits and give you concrete suggestions for your situation.

Reach out in your community for childcare help. If you are a member of a church, synagogue or other religious organization, you may be able to ask around for available babysitters. Try library storytime hours, chatting up other parents at the playground, or asking your neighbors if they have a reliable teen available to babysit or if any parents are interested in a babysitting swap.

Connect with parents with children. Even if you feel like you are from a different generation, the joys and tribulations of raising children can quickly form common bonds. It may take time, but forging friendships with parents of similar aged children can offer camaraderie and help on navigating the maze of issues facing children today.

Tip 3: Realize your grandkids will have mixed feelings too

Moving to a new home is never easy, even in the best of circumstances. When children are dealing with the loss of regular contact with their parent or parents, the move is even harder. It will take some time for your grandchildren to adjust, and in the meantime, they may act especially contrary and difficult. And if the children have suffered from emotional neglect, trauma, or abuse, those wounds will not disappear just because they are now in a safe place. They will need time to heal.

Your grandkids may resent being separated from their parent and wish to return, even if their home situation was dangerous or abusive. Don’t take this personally. The parent-child bond is powerful. Even if the children are old enough to understand that they’re better off with you, they will still miss their parent and struggle with feelings of abandonment.

Your grandkids’ feelings may come out in many ways, including behavior. They may lash out with aggressive or inappropriate behavior, or they may withdraw and push you away.

No matter their behavior, your grandkids need your comfort and support. If you start to get angry or upset, put yourself in their head. Picture what they’ve been through, and the confusion, mistrust, and fear they’re probably feeling.

Remember that children often act out in a safe place. While it may feel like your grandchildren don’t love or appreciate you sometimes, their behavior actually means they feel safe enough to express frightening emotions.

When grandkids first arrive, they may be on their best behavior. Don’t be too discouraged if, after a brief “honeymoon” phase, they start to act out. This doesn’t necessarily mean you’re doing a bad job. As mentioned previously, this can be a sign that they finally feel secure enough to vent their true feelings.

Tip 4: Focus on creating a stable environment

While it will take your grandkids time to adjust to their new living arrangement, there are steps you can take to make the transition easier. Above all, your grandchildren need to feel secure. Children thrive in an environment that is stable and predictable.

Establish a routine. Routines and schedules help make a child’s world feel safe. Set a schedule for mealtimes and bedtimes. Create special rituals that you and your grandchildren can share on weekends or when getting ready for bed.

Encourage their input in their new home. Let your grandkids help pack and move in their belongings to the extent that they’re able for their age. Encourage them to decorate their new room and arrange it as they’d like. Having some control will make the adjustment easier.

Set clear, age-appropriate house rules and enforce them consistently. Children feel more secure when they know what to expect. Loving boundaries tell the child that he or she is safe and protected.

Make sure that each grandchild has a private space. If grandchildren are sharing a bedroom, get creative: use a divider to partition off a private area in a bigger room, erect a playhouse in the backyard, or set up a tent in the family room.

Offer your time and attention. You can be a consistent, reassuring presence for your grandkids. Try to make time to interact with them at the beginning of the day, when they come home from school, and before bed.

Tip 5: Encourage open and honest communication

Communicating openly and honestly with your grandchildren is one of the best things you can do to help them cope with their new situation. It’s especially important to take the time to really listen to your grandkids. In this difficult time, they need an adult they can go to with their questions, concerns, and feelings.

Plan regular times when you sit and talk to each other, free from TV, phones, games, and other distractions.

Encourage your grandchildren to talk about their feelings, both good and bad. Try to listen without judging or dismissing their feelings.

Help your grandkids learn to identify their emotions. For example, if your grandchild seems upset, you might say, “You look sad. Is something bothering you?”

Young children communicate through play. Young children may not be able to verbalize how they feel, but will express themselves through their play.

It’s okay to say, “I don’t know.” You don’t have to have an answer for everything. If you don’t know when mommy’s coming home, for example, be honest about it. Don’t evade the question or lie.

How much should you tell young grandchildren?

When deciding what to tell your grandchildren about the situation, it’s important to consider their age and developmental skills. The following tips may help:

  • Avoid telling the child too much. Many children are simply too young to understand the whole story. When grandparents tell a young child all of the details of the situation, they may create more harm than good. Too much information can be confusing, scary, and overwhelming for the child.
  • Avoid telling the child too little or nothing at all. Kids are smart. They will pick up tidbits about their situation, even if the details are not discussed directly. If children learn about what’s going on from someone else, they could feel hurt, deceived, and confused. They may avoid asking you questions or talking to you about other important concerns because they think certain topics are “off limits.”
  • Never twist the facts or lie to the child. Even very young children know the difference between the truth and a lie. They often piece together information, but then are afraid to talk about the truth. Some people may twist the facts in an effort to protect the child. But that approach often backfires. When children are told untruths about a situation, they may become very confused, angry, and hurt. The best strategy is to be honest with your grandchildren, at their level of understanding. Your grandchildren will learn the importance of trust and honesty in relationships.

Tip 6: Encourage contact with parents

It is not always possible for children to remain in contact with their parents, and at times, it may not be in a child’s best interest. But in general, it is healthy for your grandchildren to maintain relationships with their parents, especially if they may live with them again. If meeting in person isn’t possible, you can encourage contact in other ways, including phone calls, video chats, cards and letters, and email.

Making visits with parents as smooth as possible

Don’t put your grandchild in the middle. Try to set aside any feelings of anger or disappointment you have toward your grandchild’s parent. Avoid venting issues or saying critical things about the parent in front of your grandchild. And don’t make your grandchild feel guilty about spending time with their parent. This can be confusing and distressing for the child.

Communicate and cooperate with your grandchild’s parent. Do what you can to smooth the relationship and make the parent feel a part of the child’s life. Share information about the child’s school, hobbies, and friends. Make sure the parent has the child’s schedule and contact information.

Make visits part of your grandchild’s routine. Contact with parents will be less stressful for children if they know what to expect. If possible, plan visits well in advance and put them on a regular schedule. Talk with the parent ahead of time, so everyone’s expectations for the visit are clear. It’s best if both parents and grandparents enforce the same rules.

Be sensitive to your grandchild’s feelings. It’s important to talk with your grandchild about how they feel about parental contact. Even when kids are looking forward to a visit or call, it can bring up many feelings, including uncertainty and nervousness. Kids may worry that their parent doesn’t love them anymore, or that they won’t have anything to talk about. Be there to reassure them.

Help your grandchild deal with disappointment. Sometimes, visits don’t go well or the parent doesn’t show up. Vent to a friend if you need to, but avoid the temptation to say angry or hurtful things about the parent in front of your grandchild, as this won’t make him or her feel better. Instead, talk with your grandchild about what happened and how they feel about it.

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3 Uses Of Russian Nesting Dolls That Will Rock Your Boat

First you need to choose a tree. As a rule, it is linden, birch, aspen, and larch. The tree must be cut down necessarily in the early spring or winter, so that there is little juice in it and it should be smooth, without knots. The trunk is treated and stored so that the wood is blown. It is important not to over dry the log. The drying period is about two to three years. Masters say that the tree should ring. Let’s find out what is a Russian nesting doll used for.

Specifications of nesting dolls

The first to appear is the smallest matryoshka that does not open. Behind her – the lower part (bottom) for the next. The first nesting dolls were six-seater, eight-seater, maximum, and in recent years, 35- local, even 70- local, nesting dolls appeared in Semen, the seven-seater Semenovskaya nesting doll was one meter tall. The upper part of the second matryoshka is not dried, but is immediately worn on the bottom. Due to the fact that the upper part is finally dried in place, the parts of the matryoshka fit snugly together and keep well.

More Russian nesting doll variants as table decorations are up for sale at low prices at

When the nesting doll’s body is ready, it is sanded and ground. And then the process begins, which gives each matryoshka its own individuality – painting. First, the basis of the drawing is applied with a pencil. Sometimes drawing is burned, and then tinted watercolor.

Then outlines the mouth, eyes, and cheeks and already then the doll is painted clothes. Typically, paint, use gouache, watercolor or acrylic. Each area has its own canons of painting, its colors and shapes. Masters of Polkhovsky Maidan, as well as Merin and Semenov’s neighbors, paint the matryoshka with aniline paints on a previously primed surface. Dyes are diluted with an alcohol solution. The painting of Sergiyev matryoshka is made without preliminary drawing with gouache and only occasionally with watercolor and tempera, and the intensity of color is achieved with the help of varnishing.

Points to remember regarding nesting dolls

Matreshku called “a gift from the Russian soul,” but the appearance of one of the main symbols of Russia and remains a mystery for the second century. Interesting facts about the matryoshka brought Natalia Letnikova.

The wooden detachable doll of the Japanese deity Fukuruma became the prototype of the matryoshka doll. The souvenir fell into the family of the patron of art Mamontov from the island of Honshu. In Japan itself, authorship is attributed to an unknown missionary monk from Russia.

The first sketch of a chubby peasant woman was painted in the nineteenth century by one of the creators of the “Russian style” Sergey Malyutin. A toy from Sergiev Posad Vasily Zvezdochkin carved it out of wood. They called the novelty popular at the time the name Matrona.

There are secrets in making nesting dolls. For durability, the tree must lie in the open air for two years. All the way from the bar to the finished figure takes 15 stages. First grind the smallest figure.

Check out this cool article by The Washington Post about nesting dolls in this link.

Matryoshka – gold medalist

At the International Exhibition of Handicraft in Paris in 1900, she won the first prize, toured all of Europe exhibition – from Berlin to London. Today, the unique exhibition “A Difficult Toy” can be seen in the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art. The popularity of the nested doll inspired the work of Western masters. In 1890, the Russian consul reported from Germany to St. Petersburg that a Russian souvenir was forged in Nuremberg, but the production did not go as well as in France.

The biggest matryoshka is located at the “crossroads of worlds” is in the Chinese city of Manchuria. Thirty-meter sculpture installed at the intersection of the borders of Russia and Mongolia. The symbol of friendship is decorated with images of three girls, Chinese, Mongolian and Russian.

The most numerous family of dolls was made in the Nizhny Novgorod city Semenov In one meter wooden matron sit 72 figures. And one of the largest museums in Europe, the Russian ethnographic , conducts master classes in painting figurines.

Types of nesting dolls:

The Sergiev matryoshka is a chubby girl in a scarf and a sundress with an apron brightly painted using 3-4 colors (red or orange, yellow, green and blue). The lines of the face and clothing are outlined in black. After renaming Sergiev Posad to Zagorsk, in 1930, this type of painting began to be called Zagorsk. Now there are many types of nesting dolls Semenov, Merin, Polkhov, and Vyatka. The most popular are the Maydanovskie (from Polkhov Maidan) and Semenovskie nesting dolls.

Polkhovsky Maidan – the most famous center for the manufacture and painting of dolls, located in the south-west of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The main element of the polikho-maydanovskaya nesting doll is a multi-petal rosehip flower (“rose”), next to which there can be half-opened buds on the branches. The painting is applied on a pre-applied contour made with ink. Coloring is made on a primer with starch, after it products are coated twice or three times with a transparent varnish.

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Kigurumis Are Expensive Clothing Everyone’s Tolerating

Modern clothing is very diverse, and among the outfits there are the most unusual. Manufacturers think not only about comfort and convenience, the appearance of things is also important. Buyers of sleepwear also make sure that their clothes are not only comfortable and pleasant to the body, but also different originality. She should be pleased with her appearance already, and wearing such an outfit is much nicer than usual.

Based on the preferences of people, manufacturers have created unusual pajamas named kigurumi, which allows you to turn into a cute beast, real or fictional. You can become a charming spotted cat by wearing a Kigurumi Bengal cat, and the Kigurumi Raccoon will help you to appear as a cute raccoon.

These pajamas warm in the cold winter, but in the summer they will be the way, because after a hot day you can feel the contrast with the cool night. Putting on such pajamas, both the child and the adult will become fantastic heroes, will be transferred to the unusual world, and will see magic dreams. Parents think use Kigurumis in making bedtimes easier. But, did you ever wonder why are kigurumis so expensive?

Become like your favorite celeb in cute kigurumi onesies available at

Opportunity to return to childhood

Despite the fact that the Kigurumi appeared in Japan, and it was not so long ago, now they can be seen in many countries of the world, and they are gaining increasing popularity. They penetrate not only into the hearts of children. They are loved by their parents. And the adult Kigurumi liked even more: if it’s just a fabulous outfit for a child, then it allows parents to return to childhood. And everyone dreams of it.

The most common pajamas will allow you to fool around by entering the image of the little animal, even if it does not exist in the real world. A good mood will make your life joyful and enjoyable.

Despite the fact that most people choose these fun clothes as pajamas or home wear, there are those who like to wear kigurumi at parties or on ski slopes. And it is very funny to see in the ordinary life of a person walking a pet or going to the grocery store in a funny onesies.

What is the secret kigurumi?

These funny costumes are popular and in demand because they have many advantages:

  • Funny and cute design those appeals to children and uplifting adults. This pajamas becomes an important part of the wardrobe, perfect for any age.
  • Convenience and comfort. They enjoy sleeping and spending time at home, in Kigurumi you can go for a walk or have a Halloween onesie party. It warms in cold winter. It is not hot in summer.
  • Original cut. For the summer season, designers have created onesies with shorts and a sleeveless onesies. You can wear them in the strongest heat. For cool weather, fit the classic cut, with long sleeves and trousers.
  • Such pajamas are practical because they come out of a fabric that is not to be worn. They are easy to wash, and they dry very quickly, the fabric does not get wet in the light rain.
  • The material from which Kigurumi is produced does not cause allergies and does not irritate the skin. And this is especially important for children whose skin is more sensitive.

Coming to us from Japan, where the rapid pace of life is fascinating, and pajamas can brighten up everyday life and become a real salvation. They are so liked by people all over the world that it is very easy to see a funny little animal walking along the street. Yes, this is a man in Kigurumi, which causes a lot of warm smiles of people. Buying such an outfit, keep in mind this wonderful feature of pajamas.

Some people would wear kigurumis or onesies during their flight. The Lonely Planet actually wrote an article about it here.

How to make a choice

Sometimes it is difficult to choose an outfit among a huge number of proposals. To make it easier for you, remember that there are several types of characters, like your favorite Sabrina characters onesies. First of all, these are heroes from favorite cartoons, real birds and animals, and those who live only in fairy tales and myths. Decide who is closer to you, and choose pajamas in that category. You may just like a cute bright animal, and you will forget about your preferences. Let your choice be successful.

How to make money selling kigurumi pajamas

Today, almost all goods that are in demand are made in China, Kigurumi pajamas are no exception. A great idea for a small business is selling kigurumi pajamas from the manufacturer to the final buyer with his own extra charge. The margin percentage is set taking into account competition and demand in the chosen market and sales venues. These are mainly ads on large sites such. But no one bothers you to make your online store kigurumi pajamas or one-page.

What is the difference between a one-page and an online store?

First, the cost and timing of development launch of the project. Secondly, the quantity of the offered goods on the landing page, as a rule, one product is presented, and on a full-fledged online store you can set up for sale an unlimited number of different Kigurumi onesies, creating a convenient structure.

Thirdly, the landing attracts customers mainly through contextual advertising. The online store can be customized and optimized so that it leads potential buyers from search engines without paying for clicks.

Thus, we come to the conclusion that one-page is an ideal means of selling so-called wow-positions new products that are in high demand now. You can launch a one-page website almost in one day along with customized contextual advertising.

The online stores will onesies larger entrepreneurs a wide range of products offered, including Kigurumi pajamas. Proper long-term development, including the creation of a loyalty system to customers in the form of bonuses, coupons for regular purchases and other advantages of a full-fledged online store.

So, after reviewing a few ads for Kigurumi pajamas, you decided to start your small business and create your own trading platform. As the wisdom says: Having thought decide, and having decided do not think! Contact Express America- they will help you find, purchase and deliver Kigurumi pajamas and provide all the conditions for the development of your business.

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Why Coordinates Bracelets Are Becoming The Next Big Thing

The Coordinates Bracelets is a particularly emotional look of jewelry, an expressive and creative touch bracelet in a woman’s portrait, one of the most elegant and favorite accessories. The bracelet is able to change the tonality of the style and give the whole look some kind of festive and light atmosphere of looseness. In the box every woman of fashion always has a couple of bracelets. This is because bracelets express a woman’s personality.

The bracelet is too bright decoration to be considered every day. Thin gold chains on the wrist in a restrained classic style, this is perhaps the only type of stunning bracelets that can be worn every day, including in the office. Any other bracelet will always attract the attention of others. The right bracelet is able to create a strong impression and highlight your inimitable image. Depending on the thickness and design of bracelets, they can incredibly beautify any lady and attract the attention of others.

Bracelet wizard can make your hand more elegant, demonstrate your refined taste, and emphasize the charm of the figure and stylish outfit. Plus, you can give bracelet gifts to your girlfriend.

Check out more coordinates bracelet designs at incredible prices when you get it from

How to choose a bracelet? What is guided when choosing?

Unfortunately, there is not any unambiguous algorithm by which you can quickly select a suitable bracelet. It is necessary to take into account dozens of nuances that determine the desired size, material, design, design and color of the jewelry. The thinner your taste is, the more carefully you follow the wardrobe and accessories of style icons, and the more likely you are to choose the most suitable bracelet for yourself.

Features of the figure – this is important!

Slender beauties: Many girls are confident that wide bracelets fit the full figure, and narrow slim. This is too primitive and generally wrong approach. Everything is somewhat more complicated. The decisive role is not played by the width of the bracelet, but by its visual brightness, texture and other characteristics.

Thin wrists and long fingers can be effectively emphasized with the help of wide openwork bracelets of complex structure, which consist of many different elements like rings, pendants, etc. Also a thin graceful figure is recommended to be decorated with wide multi-color bracelets of variegated color.

Slender beauties are always bracelets, chains, including multi-layered and multi-colored. Narrow bracelets of any design and bracelets with pendants in free movement on the hand, this is a classic for elegant figures. Large girls can wear multiple bracelets at the same time. Moreover, the skillful combination of wide and narrow bracelets looks unusual and beautiful.

This can afford a lady with impeccable taste. Not only should all the decorations be in harmony with each other in terms of shades, sizes and materials. At the same time, the whole headset should ideally be combined with the exterior color type and clothing. The task, frankly, is not simple and requires the possession of natural talent. But if you approach the choice correctly, or resort to the help of experts, you get a great ensemble, from which it will be impossible to take your eyes off.

Very neatly, but it is possible for lush ladies to wear bracelets made of large beads like pearls, corals, etc. Bracelets with pendants, visually reminiscent of a vine, and any other romantic motifs will look good.

Madly women go to luxurious forms of bracelets with a massive central element usually a large stone. This is a direct hit in the top ten. But in this case we should not forget about the size any bracelet on a wide wrist should move easily and freely. The shade of a large stone should ideally be in harmony with the color type of the exterior.

As for the type of construction, the large lady should avoid soft bracelets, but the rigid ones will be very useful a closed form one-piece ring, spring broken ring, hinged two halves with hinge and lock. But only in the free slip on the hand.

An interesting article about coordinates bracelet was posted by National Geographic here.

How to combine a bracelet with clothes

Never forget that such an accessory as a bracelet is almost always a festive and even, in a good way, frivolous attribute. We do not include in this definition modest, barely noticeable classic chain bracelets. The overwhelming part of the bracelets belongs to the bright holiday accessory, which is not appropriate in serious and responsible life situations. For example, sitting in front of the examiner with a chic bracelet decorated with large stones is against the rules of etiquette, and simply indecent. A thin chain bracelet in the same situation is quite appropriate.

By the same principle, the bracelet is selected to the wardrobe? The brighter and more festive your clothes, the more luxurious and brighter can be a bracelet. Accessories are always selected at the very least. If you have limited accessories though, you can always opt for DIY bangles if you’re really into it.

Consider the length of the sleeves if the clothes are without sleeves, then you are not limited in the choice, consider only the style of the wardrobe. Bracelets should not be hidden under the sleeves this is considered bad taste and bad taste.


Winter time

In the cold season, when clothes are worn with long sleeves, it is recommended to wear wide bracelets rings. It is allowed to place part of the decoration over the sleeves. Rigidly fixed bracelets, as well as options with pendants. It is better to choose clothes with sleeves without cuffs, embroidery, ruffles and other trim elements. Also, bracelets with flared sleeves are not combined.

Summer time

In the summer, when everything is blooming around, there comes the season of bracelets, which no stylish lady can miss. In the summer you can afford a lot. The brightest colors and unexpected textures, defiantly bold prints and bold shapes. Luxurious flowers can bloom on your hands, crystals of almost any size can shine, wood, leather, bronze can be beautiful yes, whatever. In the dazzling rays of the sun and motley variety of summer your accessories and wardrobe will always look appropriate.

Evening option

A luxurious evening option will be a wide shiny bracelet over long gloves. Narrow chain bracelets and thin rings will not fit this stylish accessory. It is also unacceptable to wear several bracelets over gloves. Evening decorations should always be of high quality these are precious metals or gilding, natural stones or Swarovski. Giving gifts such as romantic bracelets for your date is a sure way to get into your date’s heart. So be sure to consider evening options with regard to these bracelets.

Combination of various accessories

Sometimes the most beautiful image can shatter just one extra or incorrectly chosen accessory. Symmetry the category is extremely accurate and does not tolerate any errors. Sometimes it’s better not to wear something than to overload the image. Often, an extra accessory is a bracelet, a festive attribute and very bright.

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15 DIY Gifts for Your Best Friend

It’s always nice to be told that you’re appreciated. You know how much you love that feeling, so why not make sure that your friends know they’re appreciated?

Whether it’s a birthday, a holiday or just a random day of the week, these gifts are sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face. The best part is that you can whip them up in a flash, with relatively no time or money. What an easy way to show your love!

1. Instagram Cards

Print out a Insta photo of you and your best friend, and use it as a card for her birthday or just because!

2. Yarn Pom Pom Letters

Everyone loves some fun room decor! Spell out your bestie’s name, her intials or Greek letters with these fun pom poms.

3. Printed Candles

Print your best friend’s favorite inspirational quote or celeb on a candle that she can burn, baby, burn! You can really put anything you want on these adorable candles. 

4. Watercolor Cards

Making these cards will take you back to your kindergarten days! Use white crayon and then water color over it to reveal your ~*hidden*~ message.

5. Photo Star

Create a star lantern out of photos of you and your bestie—it’s sure to light up her life!

6. Keyboard Art

Don’t let an old keyboard clog up a landfill. Take it apart, and create the cutest photo frame ever; all you have to do is add your message of appreciation! Don’t feel obligated to make it a keyboard pun, either.

7. Instagram Calendar

Use a photo of you and your BFF for each month and pencil in girls nights, your friendaversary and other important dates. Feel free to also write messages of encouragement and love throughout. 

8. Balloon Room

Each of these balloons is attached to a photo. Just write a memory or affirmation on the back of the photos and surprise your bestie.

9. Comfy Pillow

Make sure your best friend always has a snuggly place to lay her head with this Doris Day-inspired pillow.

10. Goodie Jar

You can use this goodie jar to “teal” your bestie any message that your heart desires—be it “Thanks,” “I love you” or even “Congrats!”

11. Bestie Scrapbook

Head to your local craft store to pick up some materials, and spend an afternoon making a gift that will probably make your bestie cry. A scrapbook is the perfect way to preserve fun photos and memories.

12. The Happy Jar

Fill out little notes full of loving affirmations, funny drawings or inside jokes—anything that would make your friend happy! 

13. “52 Things I Love About You” Cards

We love this card deck! You could also do “52 Times You Made Me Laugh”or “52 Inside Jokes.”

14. Photo Collage Letter

Modge podge some photos onto a wooden letter—the first letter of your friend’s name—and write a loving letter to her on the back.

15. Bestie Bucket List

Make a bestie bucket list for your summer together, upcoming vacation or your remaining time in college. So many possibilities!

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Survival Bracelets – Best Paracord Bracelets for Serious Men

We are pretty sure everyone has seen a rope bracelet before. However, not many know about proper paracord bracelets. Even if you did see one, or even if you own one, you might not know why you should have it with you.

Believe it or not, paracord bracelets are great survival tools. They are actually woven out of 550 cords. That means that the breaking strength of your paracord bracelet’s cord is 550 pounds. The “para” part of the name comes from the fact that this cord is what they used in WWII parachutes.

Now that you know something about it’s name, it is time you found out why you should use it. Well, the first and obvious reason is that they are rather cheap, and they look great. But, that is not why you are here. You are here for the practical application. Namely, while it is around your wrist, it looks like a regular bracelet. But, you can unravel it and get up to 15 feet of incredibly strong rope. And, if you have any survival training, you know how useful that is.

You can use the paracord for a variety of tasks in a survival situation. That includes fishing, setting traps for small animals, making a splint, or even building a shelter.

The Best Paracord Bracelets for Survival

Of course, we weren’t just going to say what they are useful for. We are here to help you out, after all. And to do that, we have made this list featuring some of the best paracord bracelets out there.

Fitdom Survival Bracelet

The Fitdom survival bracelet is one of the best bracelets you can find. The number of features it offers is all but incredible. Let’s start with the rope. Once you undo the weave, you actually get two reflective paracords. The black one gives you ten feet of 550 cord, while the white cord is only a foot long. But, make no mistake, that foot of rope can truly come in handy. Furthermore, the strap buckle features several useful tools. You can use it as a fire starter, a whistle, a P-51 can opener, and, as a scraper.

Gerber Bear Grylls Survival Bracelet

Bear Grylls is a man who no longer requires introduction when it comes to survival stories. After all, he is the host of the most popular survival show out there. And, you can be sure that any survival tool with his name on it is great. This whistle bracelet will definitely come in handy in a survival situation. Many celebrities love bracelets and Christina Aguilera’s bracelet choice is no exception.

If your lover is more of a Bear Grylls personality, don’t hesitate in giving bracelet to your fiance.

Wounded Warrior Project – Survival Straps

With this bracelet, you actually get 16 feet of 550-grade paracord. Not to mention that it also has an incredibly strong release buckle. However, the single best thing about it is that the company that makes this bracelet will give you a free replacement if you ever have to use this bracelet in a survival situation.

The Friendly Swede – Premium Paracord Bracelet

This stylish bracelet looks great and is incredibly useful. It also comes with the 550-pound paracord material, but it offers cool features on top of that. It has a fire starter, a scraper, and a knife. And, if you are ever in need of a rope, all you need to do is remove a bit of glue and unravel the bracelet.



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Gifts You Should Never Give to Co-workers

There are no formal business etiquette “rules”that require anyone to give a gift to a co-worker or boss, but many people do exchange gifts at work. It is important to remember that giving the wrong gift can convey a message that is too personal, romantic, or even offensive. You also run the risk of making the recipient feel uncomfortable if they do not offer you a gift in return, or alienating co-workers if your gift seems excessive.

Deciding on the appropriate gift to give a co-worker can be difficult. However, there are certain gifts that should never be given, as they may be misinterpreted and regarded negatively.

“Adult” Items

Items that could be considered sexual in nature are inappropriate (and may even be illegal) in the workplace. Anything “adult” in nature should never be given in the workplace setting, even to the closest of co-workers. This not only includes the obvious, such as pornography and adult toys, but also includes artwork, books, and any image or rendering that depicts nudity or that may suggest a sexual act.

Gifts That Carry a Discriminating or Demeaning Message

Never give gifts that could be considered offensive to women, minorities, or any race, culture, group, or individual with disabilities—even if presented in the “spirit of fun.” These include cards, gifts, artwork, caricatures, publications, and any other item that could be interpreted as stereotyping or discriminatory. Another thing that should be included in the list is a squishy toy that provokes fighting. We don’t want to tolerate fighting, so don’t give them these.

Politically Oriented and Religious Gifts

Unless someone has specifically asked for a particular political or religious item, book or gift, do not try to guess on one. If you do honor a specific request, keep in mind that the item could still offend someone else in the office, so give it to your co-worker wrapped and in private.

Personal Care Products

Grooming items and sundries are generally too personal to give, especially when given to a member of the opposite sex. It includes body and skin care products, perfumes, toothbrushes, hairbrushes, and shaving sundries. That scented hand lotion you love might seem like a good idea, but when given to a person with allergies or asthma you are giving a gift that cannot be used.

Intimate Clothing

All undergarments, and in most cases, any articles of clothing except for hats, scarves, or gloves are inappropriate gifts to give co-workers or your boss. A corporate T-shirt is acceptable but may seem a bit on the “cheap” side.

Romantic Jewelry

If you give jewelry, stick to small, casual items and give them only to members of the same sex unless the gift is being given by a group.

The key to remember when giving jewelry is that some items may be interpreted as a romantic gesture, especially if the jewelry is expensive. The best jewelry items to give are inexpensive or moderately priced watches, including pocket watches, or simple, trendy bracelets or pins. Pearls, diamonds, and gemstones are generally not a good idea if the gift is intended as a casual gesture.


Do not give roses. It is better to give poinsettias, “lucky” bamboo, or other plants instead of flowers. They last longer and cannot be interpreted as a romantic gesture. Casual flowers such as daisies, wildflowers, or bulbs that turn into blooms are also fine.


Never give your boss or a co-worker money, however, gift cards are acceptable.Money should only be given by the company or employer when it is given as a taxable bonus, not as a personal gift.


Giving no gift can be better than giving the wrong gift. If you can discover what your co-worker enjoys, you may be able to find the perfect gift, such as a coffee mug for a coffee or tea lover, or a set of ear phones if they like listening to music.

A good rule is to ask yourself if the gift is something you would let a child see, even if they would not enjoy the gift itself. If you would not let a child see the gift, it may not be appropriate to give to someone at work.

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